Fikujap Hibernation Hostel for Hedgehog, Hedgehog House Winter Festival with Floor Resin Hedgehotel Moisture-Resistant Hedgehog Sleeping House Waterproof Hedgehog Kit Easy to Clean, 19×20.5x9cmm
Safe Hedgehog House: Place the hedgehog hut in a protected and quiet area so that these creatures can live in your yard. Protect your pets from predators such as birds and foxes and provide you with a safe and comfortable place to care for you.
Waterproof Hedgehog House: Just place this hedgehog house in your garden or in your hedge, whether it is rainy, snow covered or sunny. This hedgehog house provides protection for your friendly hedgehog nearby..
Robust Hedgehog House: The Hedgehog House is robust and durable. It is easy to wash with water and then dry for easy cleaning. Hedgehogs need space to feed, so hedgehogs need to be large enough to provide plenty of room to rest and feed. They are safe for hibernation and reproduction, as well as from predators..
Materiaal: anderen
Grootte: 15,5 cm × 16 cm x 8 cm, 19×20,5x9cm, 22x24x11cm
Het hele jaar door biedt dit egelhuis bescherming en veilige bescherming voor egels die enkele maanden oud zijn.Plaats dit egelhuis op een beschermde plaats, bedek het met bladeren, enz. Om de bladeren van het huis te bedekken of gras te snijden en hedgehog te gebruiken als nestmateriaal om de koude winter te overleven.
Dit egelhuis kan egels beschermen, in de winter overwinteren en hen ernstige bescherming bieden.
Het hoogwaardige egelhuis is regenbestendig en zorgt ervoor dat de egel veilig in het huis kan worden geplaatst.
De ingang van het egelhuis is groot genoeg om een egel te absorberen, en de ingang is klein genoeg om roofdieren weg te houden.
Pakket omvat:
1 * Hedgehogs
★ Het egelhuis bevat geen egel!
★ Vanwege de handmatige meting en verschillende meetmethoden, houd een afwijking van 1-2 cm toe.
Safe Hedgehog House: Place the hedgehog hut in a protected and quiet area so that these creatures can live in your yard. Protect your pets from predators such as birds and foxes and provide you with a safe and comfortable place to care for you.
Waterproof Hedgehog House: Just place this hedgehog house in your garden or in your hedge, whether it is rainy, snow covered or sunny. This hedgehog house provides protection for your friendly hedgehog nearby..
Robust Hedgehog House: The Hedgehog House is robust and durable. It is easy to wash with water and then dry for easy cleaning. Hedgehogs need space to feed, so hedgehogs need to be large enough to provide plenty of room to rest and feed. They are safe for hibernation and reproduction, as well as from predators..
No Hedgehog House Installation Required: Our Hedgehog cabin requires no complicated installation. After receiving the Hedgehog house, it can be used immediately after disassembly. It is very practical and offers the hedgehog a warm protection.
Specification: Fikujap Hibernation Hostel for Hedgehog, Hedgehog House Winter Festival with Floor Resin Hedgehotel Moisture-Resistant Hedgehog Sleeping House Waterproof Hedgehog Kit Easy to Clean, 19×20.5x9cmm
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